Welcome to Italy Trade News, the container of information for those who work in the fruit and vegetable sector, an appointment created to support the export of Made in Italy, and talk about seasonal products, new markets, fairs and reports.

Through the history of an Italian company leader in the business: Italy Trade, the large entrepreneurial group destined to become the absolute synonym of the export of the Bel Paese in the world. We are in connection with Andrea Urso, CEO of Italy Trade, who has the experience of a lifetime in the trading industry.

Italy Trade, and the group behind us, has over 20 years of experience in fresh fruit and vegetable market. I’ve been working in this branch since 1995, and now we are developing our stucture to become the largest italian distribution chain of fresh products.

We offer a variety of high quality services: first of all we have a large range of products to offer, with local offices in many european countries, so our customers will be followed by local managers and we can deliver the merchandise anywhere with our trucks or with the customer trucks.

Not many italian distributors can fullfill a comparable service, and while offering a 100% full range of services we are expanding our production around Italy to cover 100% of italian fresh fruits and vegetable products.

If today a great distribution chain is looking to improve its italian products business, to bring the quality of top italian products to their customers, we are the right partner to discuss a cooperation. Our large structure, our knowledge of the market and our local managers coming from the countries where we are selling it’s a package of services that nobody else can give.

At the moment we have several offices around Italy, a main office in Copenaghen and a branch in Stockholm, we are working to open another office in the Scandinavia Area and we are organizing a brand new Export office in Italy to directly process requests from other european countries.

Do you want to write to us or have information?

Contact us via the website contact page or on the social pages Facebook, Instagram , Linkedin and on the YouTube channel.